Even people without babies know a newborn’s sleep is disorganized: they seem to sleep all the time but somehow wake often, too.
As a parent and a sleep expert – I'm here to answer some of the most common questions about a 1-month-old’s sleep schedule, including: How much does a 1-month-old sleep? How much should a 1-month-old sleep? and the most common question: Can a 1-month-old sleep through the night? Spoiler alert: no.
How Many Hours Should a 1-Month-Old Sleep Each Day?
A 1-month-old sleepschedule typically adds up to 14-17 hours over a 24-hour period. This sleep is spreadout over many different sleep sessions, each lasting from 10-20 minutes up to2-hours. These sleep durations will become longer and more distinctly like napsas your baby grows. For a one-month-old sleep schedule, however, reallyanything goes, a short nap or a longer nap, and wake periods between sleeps couldbe anything from 30-90 minutes.
How Long Do 1-Month-Old’s Sleep?
It varies: at 4-weeks old a sleep schedulemay include naps for as little as 10-20 minutes or as long as 2-hours.
Note: one-month-old sleep schedule usually includes wake windows thatare longer in the afternoons between naps.
How Many Naps Should a 1-Month-Old Take?
I use the term“nap” loosely here because 1-month-olds don’t take naps like older babies andchildren. But generally, there will be about 6-7 “naps” throughout a typicalone-month-old sleep schedule, usually spaced 30-90 minutes apart. More distinctnaps will begin around 2.5-3 months
How Much Should My 1-Month-Old Sleep at Night?
A 4-week-oldsleep schedule usually includes multiple wake ups to feed throughout the day atnight.
They are stillwaking to feed through the night every 2-3 hours, but roughly speaking theywill sleep approximately 9-12 hours total overnight – depending on when you classify bedtime is.
Sample Sleep Schedule for 1-Month-Olds:
Here is a sample one-month-old sleep schedule. Remember, this is just an example of asleep schedule for 4-weeks old: your baby has their own unique sleep patternsright now, so focus less on the clock and more on their sleepy cues.
A 1-Month-Old Sleep Schedule Example:
Here’s a suggested schedule for a newborn. Note that at 1 month old, babies are still forming their circadian rhythm, and consistent sleep patterns are still developing. Use this as a guideline for their feeding intervals and wake windows at this age.
Can 1-Month-Old Babies Sleep Through the Night?
Put simply, a1-month-old cannot sleep through the night. They are still very small and needto eat regularly round the clock.
Why Don’t 1-Month-Old Babies Sleep Through the Night?
A one-month-old'ssleep is very disorganized, and so is their sleep schedule: they don’t havespecific bed or naptimes, firstly because 1-month-olds are developing veryquickly and growing super-fast. With such small tummies, they need to re-fuel often– eating every 2-3 hours or so, round the clock.
It’s alsoimportant to remember that 1-month-olds – and newborns in general – aren’t ableto sleep through the night because their circadian rhythms haven’t matured yet.This doesn’t happen until around 4-months of age when overnight sleep willstart to consolidate, and daytime awake periods will lengthen.
Right now, yourbaby is just where they need to be, sleeping in short bursts (20 minute napsare perfectly normal for a one-month-old), waking frequently to eat, growingand developing rapidly!
Even thoughyour one-month-old cannot sleep through the night, there are still ways to setyourself up for future sleep success. Consider things like black out shades andwhite noise machines – the Smart Sleep Coach by PampersTM app can guide you through how to establishimportant sleep habits early on.
Should I Room Share with My 1-Month-Old?
Sharing a roomwith your 1-month-old is advised for two reasons:
1. It makes nightfeedings and changings so much easier (not to mention it keeps your baby close– which can be a comfort for both of you)
2. Mostimportantly: studies show that room-sharing can help prevent Sudden InfantDeath Syndrome (SIDS), a rare but mysterious phenomenon in which a newborn diesin their sleep. Room-sharing can reduce SIDS risk 50% and the American Academyof Pediatrics recommend room sharing until your baby is 12-months of age.
How Do I Know my 1-Month-Old is Tired?
Even thoughtheir sleep is disorganized, 1-month-olds still exhibit sleepy cues – signsthey’re tired – including rubbing their eyes and looking away from you. If younotice these cues, try to encourage them to take a sleep. Eventually you maystart to notice patterns, which can help you with your one-month-old sleepschedule.
How Do I Survive Sleep Deprivation with a 1-Month-Old Sleep Schedule?
I hear thisquestion often “How can I sleep when I have a newborn?” While I can’t guaranteeyou’ll get much sleep in these first few months, here are some tips to help youthrivethrough sleep deprivation with a newborn:
PrepareAhead of Bed:Your baby will wake often at night. This is a given. You can save yourselftime, hassle, and avoid waking up too fully if you have everything you needready to go. Whether it’s diapers, a bottle, a burp blanket – whatever youneed, have it by your baby’s bed so you can do what you need to do and get backto bed without thinking too much.
NapWhen They Nap:Your 1-month-old sleep schedule may only include short bursts of sleep but tryto sleep a bit when they sleep – this will at least give your mind a bit ofrest, however briefly. I do appreciate there is a laundry list of other thingsyou need to do while they sleep – but you are no use to anyone when you’reexhausted. So like they say on the airplane – ‘Fit your own oxygen mask first’and make sure you get some rest!
Splitthe Duties:If you have a partner, alternate nights or times of nights. While one sleeps,the other tends to the baby, and then vice versa. This means at least one ofyou will be well-rested for what the next day ahead.
Accept Help: Did a friendor relative offer to “babysit anytime”? Well, now is the time – having someonetrusted watch the baby during the day while you nap, shower, or just enjoy “metime” is a great way to be a great parent without losing yourself.
OrderI n: Sometimes ordering food is just theway to go – no muss, no fuss, no dishes!
Crying is A-Okay: You’re anew parent. Having a newborn is hard. If you’re frustrated and need tohave a good cry, go for it. In fact, studies show that cryingis emotionally and physically beneficial.
How Do I Support My 1-Month-Old’s Development?
While your1-month-old schedule includes a lot of sleep, you can make the most of theirawake time by supporting their mental and physical development.
Here are 4 simple ways to support your 1-month-old’s development:
1. Skin-to-Skin Contact: Cuddling your naked baby to your bare chest is more than awarm bonding moment: Skin-to-Skin contact can also help regulate your baby’sbreathing and heart rates and can reduce the risk of SIDS.
2. Tummy Time: Babies spend a lot of time on their backs – that’s how they should sleep: flaton their backs – but babies also need about 10-15 minutes of supervised tummytime each day. Tummy time is simply when you gently place your baby on theirbelly for a short period. This strengthens their neck, back, and other musclesthey’ll need to hold up their heads, sit, and – yes – even walk!
3. “Tracking” Toys, Like Rattles: A 1-month-old’s babies are more focused now and able totrack moving items. Help improve your baby’s vision and eye coordination bymoving a simple toy, like a rattle, slowly in front of them.
4. Let Them Sleep: Letting your 1-month-old sleep when they’re tired is one ofthe best ways to help them develop – both now, and in the long run: sleepprovides a lot of long-termhealth benefits.